Thursday 17 May 2012

Weight update

So on the 9/5/12 I weighed myself and I had stayed the same 13 stone 10lbs. I was quite annoyed but I was also quite stuffed up and hadn't been to the toilet properly in days. I also came on my period 2 days after and we all know these factors can be factors for not loosing weight. Otherwise I had been very good that week and was feeling rather low. However I kept on trucking with Paleo and tried to make sure I have a really good week. This wednesday 16/5/12 I weight at 13.08lbs so thats a 2 pound loss which I am very happy with. I had been feeling like that I had stayed the same again as on sunday I was weighing 13.12lbs but I was also on my period.

I have mainly been eating salad with meats and omelettes.

Anyways this means Paleo has been successful this week. Lets look forward to next week with a bigger loss!

Helen x

Friday 4 May 2012

First week update + belated wednesday weigh in!

On Wednesday 2nd May 2012 I weighed:

13st 10.1 lb

My target for next Wednesday is a 2 pound loss. This should be some what easy if I exercise and keep to the paleo diet. 

So far this week my meals have consisted of grilled chicken, ribs in a coconut marinade (a video recipe with be put on this blog soon) kale chips, homemade guacamole, salad and sweet potato wedges. I have enjoyed what I have been eating so far and dont feel like snacking which is great! 

Going to make some more cupcakes later as I only got one out of the batch last time. 

Anyways wish me luck for the next weeks weigh in! 

Helen x

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Cave man cupcakes recipe

A Diary entry of a cavewoman found in a cove somewhere in the south of france has been discovered and decrypted. The following is what was revealed.

"So after discovering fire last week, Jeff has took it upon himself to make me an area when I can make all our meals, he has called it the 'kitchen'. I told Barbra about this and she was quite jealous, her husband Derek has not done much at all since he did his back in carrying a cow back from the grassy verge over the hill. 
Anyways, I have to admit our cave does look rather fancy with this new area. The best thing about it is that Jeff has made some kind of invention that the flames go inside, it browns and warms anything you put in there. Amazing!! 
I decided to chuck a few ingredients in a bowl and make an invention myself. The end product is very tasty. I call them cupcakes, I took a few over for Barb and Del, they enjoyed them so much.

Here is the recipe for anyone else who moves into this cave after we move on:

  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour/ground almond
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil or coconut oil
  • 1 1/2 cups carrots, finely chopped (Mashed up with a big stone)
  • 1/2 cup of dried fruit, cherrys, raisins, dates etc

Get two bowls, in one add all the dry ingredients, in the other add the maple syrup, oil, eggs, carrot and dried fruit. mix them both up separately, then add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well. then put in cupcake cases or whatever you have lying about in your cave. Cook in the preheated 'oven' for around 20 minutes or until the cupcakes are no longer wet inside. Leave to cool and enjoy.  

I have a feeling that Jeff will be making me spend a lot of time in this 'Kitchen' area... he just asked me to stop drawing on the wall and go make him a sandwich!! A cavewoman's work is never done!" 

Me and Sheri decided to make these cupcakes today. They have come out so well and taste amazing, a little like christmas. 

Adding a drizzle of icing sugar mixed with either water or coconut oil makes them taste a little sweeter. It seems this cavewoman was the Delia of her time!! Try it out paleo friends!

Helen x

For the original recipe click here

Sunday 29 April 2012

About me

So I have decided to be very open about my self in this blog by telling you everything about my weight, my size and why I eat. Hopefully this will be like a self help and help to other people who are in the exact situation as myself.


I eat as an excuse of how I feel. 
"I need that chocolate bar to make me feel better"
"I need to eat the whole pizza because I've had a bad day"
"I need to have a chocolate cake because I'm fed up with my life"

Its easy to let how you feel be an excuse for eating shit but what it really comes down to is laziness and boredom. 

Truthfully, I know I dont need these foods, they dont make me feel better, in fact after I mostly feel regret as I know they have done me no good. However, I carry on doing it, like a big vicious circle feeling bad so eating then eating more because I feel worse for what I am eating. 


In less that 14 months I will be 30 years old, If I carry on with the weight I've gained in the last 2 years I will be 15 stone by then. I will be morbidly obese and will have high chances of becoming diabetic, which is in my genes (Two aunties have died diabetic related deaths).

I am currently 13 stone 11 pounds. I would be very happy with being 10 stone and that is what I am going to aim for. (On Wed 2nd May 2012 I will write official a sizes, weight and upload a picture of my body as Wednesdays will be my weigh days)

My boyfriends brother has lost a whopping 30 pounds in the 3 months he has been on the Paleo diet. He is living proof that this diet works well with a regular exercise regime, he is an inspiration and looks amazing already. 

Keep tuned for recipes, videos, updates and pictures. 

Taken in Egypt 23/04/2012

Helen x


Here is a quick description of what the Paleo diet is...

Sometimes called the 'caveman' diet, the paleo diet is all about going back to what your body essentially needs without all the extras that are put into most processed foods. Basically, there are 4 main rules to follow:

1) Lean Meats: Anything from beef steak to fish and seafood. As long as all visible fat has been removed. Lean proteins support strong muscles, healthy bones and optimal immune function. Protein also makes you feel satisfied between meals.

2) Fruit and Vegetables: Most fruits and Vegetables are allowed, sticking to the rule that if you can eat it raw, you can eat it. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that have been shown to decrease the likelihood of developing a number of degenerative diseases including cancer, diabetes and neurological decline.

3) Healthy fats: Nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oils are all allowed in moderation. Studies show that diets rich in Monounsaturated and Omega-3 fats dramatically reduce the instances of obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and cognitive decline. 

4) Avoid: Dairy, Grains, processed foods, legumes (beans, broad beans etc), starches, sugars, potaoes and alcohol. Your body finds these types of foods harder to digest and turn into energy, thus turning it into fat which collects around your body. These fats lead to obesity, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes.

Now you and I know the rules, we can start to change our diets, our minds, our bodies and our lives. 

Follow this blog to join me as I battle the bulge and get the body I have always dreamed of. 

Helen x